How to Know if Your Ex Wants You Back Middle Schoool

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Crushing on your ex can be a painful experience, and you lot probably want to know if in that location'due south a risk yous'll get back together. To figure out if your ex still likes you, watch their beliefs to see how they're acting toward y'all. Additionally, detect how oftentimes they communicate with yous and the types of communication you lot have. As another option, talk to your family and friends to notice out if they think your ex is even so interested.

  1. 1

    Notice if your ex always seems to be around. [one] Your ex will probably try to find reasons to be around yous if they're still interested. They might pop up at your task, hang out at your favorite places, and attend events they know you enjoy. Track how often you encounter your ex to effigy out if they might be trying to run into you.[ii]

    • If yous and your ex both like the same local java shop, they might non be in that location to run across you. However, if your ex never had an interest in art before your breakup but shows upward at every art opening, they're probably coming in the hopes of running into you.
  2. 2

    Expect at what they're posting on social media. [3] If you're notwithstanding post-obit them on social media, scroll through their recent postings to meet what's going on in their life. Notice if they seem happy or lamentable. Additionally, come across if they appear to have moved on or might be stuck in the past.[4]

    • For instance, a post like, "Really miss the good times I used to accept with a sure someone" or "The last few days take been difficult" might mean they're thinking almost yous. On the other hand, if they're posting pics of them with a new partner, they might be moving on.

    Tip: If looking at your ex'due south social media makes you feel sad or jealous, unfollow them and ignore this suggestion. Your feelings are super important, so don't practice something that makes you feel bad.


  3. 3

    Check if they're liking your social media posts and pics. [5] Information technology's normal for your ex to occasionally react to 1 of your posts. However, your ex might all the same exist interested if they're liking virtually of your posts or going dorsum to like old posts. Runway how often they interact with your social media account to run across if they might however intendance about you lot.[half dozen]

    • For example, it might not mean anything if your ex likes a post about yous getting a new car. However, they probably notwithstanding similar yous if they similar every photo yous postal service of yourself.
    • If your ex likes former photos of yous together, it's very probable that they still like you.
  4. 4

    Spotter how your ex reacts when they see you. When you see your ex, spotter their reaction to see if it'due south positive, neutral, or negative. Look at their facial expressions and their body language to help you figure out how they feel.[7]

    • For case, let's say your ex smiles really big and comes over to say, "Hi! How's information technology going?" This might be a sign they still like you lot.
    • If they give you a slight moving ridge and say, "Oh, hey," they might experience neutral toward you. In this case, they might just want to exist friends.
    • On the other mitt, they might have moved on if they frown, move away, or fold their artillery in forepart of their torso.
  5. 5

    Find if your ex touches you a lot. When you like someone, it's really hard to resist casually touching them. In fact, this is a common way to flirt! Consider if your ex touches yous on your arm, shoulder, back, or legs. This could exist a sign that they like y'all.[eight]

    • You might too discover that your ex goes in for a hug whenever you run into each other or after you have a conversation. This might hateful they like you.

    Tip: If the touching makes you uncomfortable, tell them to finish. Say, "Don't bear upon me similar that anymore. Please respect my personal space."

  6. 6

    See if they're willing to do you a favor. Your ex might exist willing to assistance you out with something if they're even so into you lot. Tell them about a problem that yous're having and see if they volunteer to assist. Alternatively, ask them to assist you with something you know they're expert at doing. If they say yes, they might still like you.[9]

    • For example, ask them to help you lot with a homework assignment or ask them to help you lot host a political party for a mutual friend.
    • If your ex is super friendly and helpful, they might do you lot the favor fifty-fifty if they don't like you lot.
  7. 7

    Pay attention if they're hanging onto some of your things. Normally, you give each other back your personal holding subsequently a interruption upwardly. If your ex keeps some of your stuff, it might be a sign they still similar y'all. Cheque to see if you got all of your things back from them.[10]

    • For instance, your ex might keep i of your shirts so they tin can aroma your scent. Similarly, they might keep an old DVD of a movie you watched together a lot.
    • If the item is valuable, your ex might only be trying to keep it for its value. As an example, don't let them keep your mp3 role player.
  8. viii

    Find out if they've gone on any dates or hooked up with someone. Check your ex's social media accounts to see if they're posting about a new human relationship or if they've posted photos with a new partner. Additionally, check with your mutual friends to find out if at that place's someone new in their life. If they're dating someone else, they're probably focused on the future and their new relationship.[xi]

    • In some cases, your ex might postal service photos of themself with someone else to make you lot jealous. However, they've likely moved on if they're in another relationship.


  1. 1

    Track how oftentimes your ex reaches out to talk or text. [12] Your ex volition probably find reasons to contact you if they're however interested. Cheque how frequently they telephone call, text, or talk to you in person. Similarly, consider if they first the conversation back up after information technology has concluded. This might be a sign they like you.[13]

    • For instance, your ex might text y'all to ask questions they probably know the reply to. They might ask, "Do nosotros have an assignment due tomorrow?" "Do you know if Candy's political party is still on Saturday?" or "I hope it's okay that nosotros're both going to mini golf tomorrow."

    Tip: Some of their communications may be negative. For instance, they might ship you an aroused text almost the breakup or something they saw on your social media account. This might be a sign that they're still thinking well-nigh you or that they're jealous.

  2. two

    Notice if your ex brings upwardly cornball moments in your relationship. If they start telling happy stories virtually your human relationship, it means they're thinking about practiced times. This is a sign that they might still like you. Listen when your ex starts talking nearly erstwhile times to see if they're focusing on the good parts of your relationship.[14]

    • They might say, "Remember that time nosotros had a candlelight picnic under the stars. That was such a adept dark," or "I nevertheless call up how much we laughed at the improv theater. We had such proficient times together."
  3. 3

    See if they check on you when you're going through hard times. When yous're feeling upset, it's natural for a person who cares about y'all to brand certain you're okay. Notice if your ex always seems to be there for y'all when you need someone. Additionally, consider if they're willing to listen to y'all talk about your problems.[15]

    • As an example, let's say you mail service on social media that your relative is in the hospital. Your ex might immediately text, "Are you okay?"
    • Keep in mind that this might non mean they similar you in a romantic way. They might bank check up on you because they still care virtually you lot as a friend.
  4. 4

    Notice if they come to you for advice. Typically, yous get to someone you trust when you demand advice. Consider how often your ex relies on yous for advice most their problems. If your ex consistently comes to you, this means they probably notwithstanding experience close to you. It might fifty-fifty mean they withal like you.[sixteen]

    • For case, they might tell y'all about bug they're having at piece of work or school. And so, they might enquire what you think they should exercise.
  5. 5

    Pay attention if they start talking about their past mistakes. Bringing up their mistakes means that they're thinking near what they could have done differently. This may mean they're trying to figure out how to fix your relationship. Listen closely if they outset talking about what they did wrong, what they could've done differently, or how they've changed.[17]

    • They might say, "I realize now that I should've listened more," "I actually regret talking to that other girl. I'll never make that mistake again," or "Since we broke up, I've really changed. You made me a amend person."


  1. ane

    Ask your friends if they recollect your ex is still into you. Your friends have a different perspective on your relationship with your ex. They're likely able to run across things that you don't notice. Talk to them to find out how they think your ex feels. Get several opinions to aid you figure out if your ex might all the same like y'all.[18]

    • You might ask, "What did yous call up about my human relationship with my ex?" "Practise you lot recall nosotros might go back together?" "Practise you recall they've moved on?" and "Could they still like me?"
  2. 2

    Find out if your ex even so talks to your family unit. While at that place are several reasons your ex might stay continued with your family, this can be a sign that they haven't totally moved on. Enquire your family unit members if they're nonetheless in communication with your ex. If they are, ask them if your ex still talks about you, which is a sign they even so like you.[19]

    • It's normal for your ex to stay close with your family if you lot share kids together. They may be talking to your family unit considering information technology'south of import for the kids.
    • If your ex had a friendship with a family unit member prior to your human relationship, they'll probably stay friends with that person after the breakup. Don't count these types of relationships when trying to effigy out if they still similar you lot.
  3. 3

    Talk to mutual friends to find out how often your ex talks about you. [20] If your ex still likes you, they're probably looking for reasons to talk about y'all. This means their friends will probably have heard them talking about you. Check with the mutual friends you share with them to find out what your ex is saying.[21]

    • Ask, "Does Alex still talk near me?"
    • If you don't have any mutual friends, yous might try reaching out to their friend group. If y'all're nervous, get one of your friends to ask one of your ex's friends.

    Alert: When you ask about this, you'll be bringing your ex upward as a topic of conversation. This might make people remember that y'all're even so interested in them.


Signs Your Ex Withal Likes You and Help Talking About Getting Dorsum Together

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  • Question

    What if I want to get back together with her and I know she likes me, just she's too prissy to break upwards with the person she's already with?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written past one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    If she'south in a new relationship, information technology'southward best to keep your distance until that relationship resolves itself. You'll have a better gamble of making things work if she ends that human relationship earlier the ii of you start trying to patch things up. If information technology's meant to be, things volition work out.

  • Question

    If your ex tells you to change and says they've moved on, what should y'all practise?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written past 1 of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Respond

    Get-go, it's never okay for someone to demand that you change. When it comes to modify, ever listen to yourself and exercise what feels correct to you lot. Second, if they've moved on, information technology's probably best that you try to motility on, likewise. At first, it might be hard to wait past the feelings yous had for this person, and they might experience so perfect for you that you go hung upwards on them. Still, relationships cease for a reason, and it'southward likely that at that place's someone better for you out there. Spend more than time having fun with friends or family unit and so you can start to move on.

  • Question

    How do I win my fellow back without looking really desperate?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Evidence him that y'all're happy and living your best life. Hang out with friends and family, become practice fun stuff, and work towards a goal you take (like trying out for a sports squad, winning a tournament, or learning to paint). If there's a chance things will work out between yous, he'll see how not bad you're doing and realize that he might have lost a skillful partner.

  • Question

    My ex asked my little sis about me and told her not to tell me that he is my lover. Is he telling the truth?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    It's tough to tell in this case. It'due south possible that he's still interested, just it'southward also possible that he's sending mixed signals. Await for other signs that he still likes you lot, such every bit showing up places he knows you'll be and liking all your social media posts.

  • Question

    My ex-boyfriend looks at me every time he sees me at schoolhouse and the park. Does that mean he likes me?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This reply was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated information technology for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    It might hateful he likes y'all, but he may as well just exist noticing that you're there. Look at his other behaviors to see if he might like yous.

  • Question

    What do I do if my boyfriend broke up with me because he said he didn't want to hurt me, but in the process of trying to move on, I gave him all the gifts he gave me back, and he got angry?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This respond was written by ane of our trained team of researchers who validated information technology for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    It's possible that your ex however likes you just is going through something right now that makes him experience like he'south not prepare to exist in a relationship. You might try talking to him so he knows you lot intendance nearly him only are giving him the space he needs. Say something like, "I didn't hateful to upset you lot when I gave you dorsum your things. I liked the gifts but idea yous might want them back because you broke up with me."

  • Question

    My boyfriend asked for a breakup well-nigh a day agone and blocked me on every social site. Is it still possible that he loves me?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This reply was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    In that location's no way to know for sure if he still likes you, only his behavior right now suggests that he needs space. That might hurt a lot, simply this breakdown might open the door for something better in the hereafter. Right now, spend more time with your friends or family so yous can feel better and have some fun.

  • Question

    My ex is hitting on my friend just to spite me. Why is he doing this?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Respond

    He might be feeling upset about the breakup, or he may think that flirting with her volition impress his friends. His behavior is unfair to you, though. Try to ignore what he's doing and focus on your happiness.

  • Question

    How do you tell your ex you like him back after he told you that he still likes you?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by 1 of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Try keeping information technology simple. Just say, "I nevertheless like y'all, too." If you're shy, endeavor texting him or messaging him through social media.

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  • Be really careful if you have children with your ex. Children sometimes hope that their parents will get back together, and the terminal thing that you want to do is to get their hopes upwards and disappoint them again. Exist very discreet until yous know you lot're dorsum together for sure.


  • Avoid having post-breakdown make-out sessions or sexual activity with your ex unless you're certain that both of you want to become back together. Don't let your ex take advantage of your heartbreak and only use you for the concrete connection.

  • Don't exist too quick to jump back into the human relationship. Sometimes, you idealize the things you no longer accept. Don't forget why you lot broke up. If you're only going to leap back into the same problems, then steer clear of your ex.


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Commodity Summary X

To discover out if your ex still likes yous, see if they keep calling, texting, or messaging you, which shows they're nevertheless into you lot. Additionally, pay attention to whether they seem to show up wherever you are, since that suggests they're looking for connected contact. When you are in the same identify, find if they can't stop looking at you if you're across the room. Alternatively, if yous're talking to them, pay attention to whether they try to touch your hand or arm periodically. These are both signs that yous're still very much on your ex's mind! To larn how to handle your ex if you're still interested in them, also, keep reading!

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