Cal Poly Slo Fraternity Make America Great Again


By Alumni of the Chapter in San Luis Obispo

Chris "Yabut" Patterson, West'73


The history of the Delta Sigma Phi National Social Fraternity Chapter in San Luis Obispo is unique! We were the first national social fraternity at the University, a colony longer than any other in Fraternity history, and a larger colony than many chapters! As the Summertime 1969 edition of the CARNATION exclaimed:

"The oldest colony in the Fraternity, and perhaps in whatsoever fraternity, became a affiliate in ceremonies April 26 (1969) in San Luis Obispo, California, equally the well-nigh 20-year-old Calpoly (sic) colony was chartered as Epsilon Rho of Delta Sigma Phi."1

Delta Sigma Phi National became interested in the and then California Polytechnic College in 1949 as a result of the college's receiving total academic accreditation2 of four year degree programs on December 11, 1948.3 National had recently been in our area, granting a lease on Feb 8, 1948, to the Beta Xi colony at UC Santa Barbara.4

Surviving letter correspondence provided by Nationalfive infers there was interest on the function of University students, in Delta Sigma Phi,vi prior to early November, 1949. On November 8, 1949, the University's Dean of Student Welfare wrote Francis Wacker, Executive Secretary, Delta Sigma Phi, that "the interested parties on campus" had requested that the Dean inform him that the college had been accredited. The Dean added that the matter of social fraternities was on the calendar "since several interested groups have fabricated asking for official status".

On Nov 10, 1949, "A. Dean VanZant", identified simply as "Temporary Chairman", wrote Francis Wacker:

"My good friend Chuck Dawe of Hilgard Affiliate has kindled the fraternity urge in a grouping of united states here. We are impressed with the record and continuing obtained past Delta Sigma Phi, and would deem it a true privilege to be associated with such a fraternity. For these reasons we are contacting your fraternity before whatsoever others.

It was a bitter pill we took when word came that our Higher could non be recognized by the National until we were accredited. I am happy to enclose a copy of the alphabetic character proclaiming our regional accreditation.

We feel gear up to pursue vigorously our endeavor and we are reasonably confident in securing a local organization and facilities of which a national fraternity will exist justly proud."vii

In response, on Dec 17, 1949, Francis Wacker replied to the University'due south Dean of Student Welfare, thanking the Dean for the information on the University's contempo accreditation. Mr. Wacker likewise stated DSP was only affiliated with accredited colleges, and inquired about the formal procedure for fraternity admission onto campus. He closed with, "Peradventure 1 of these days shortly, one of our national representatives residing in Los Angeles, will call on yous personally to discuss farther the affiliation of a grouping of men on your campus with Delta Sigma Phi."eight

The total body of inquiry on the question of when nosotros first became associated with DSP National, in 1949 or 1950, is contradictory. National's 2008 search of the CARNATION for this period did non provide any insight to this question.ix Our 1967 lease petition to National states that our local was established in 194910 and became officially associated with DSP at the get-go of 1950:

"In January of 1950, William S. Noblitt11 and Francis Wacker12 visited the University and conferred with the Student Faculty Committee on the question of (Social) Fraternities (beingness recognized) on campus. The charter members of the local received approval. That same evening Noblitt and Wacker visited with the local. The local decided to go with Delta Sigma Phi. Follow upwards visits such as those in 1950 past William Noblitt, Francis Wacker and Frank Floyd,13 field representative, helped establish operation and rush techniques."14

At this time there were no national social fraternities at the University. Equally the CARNATION reports, "Though rather rocky at first, the organization picked upwards strength in 1950-51 nether colony president Don Johnson, a man who was to get the chapter supervisor (and ACB Presidentxv) and prime mover for many years."sixteen

Our showtime class was Leap 1950. One of its members recalls that his pledge form spent a weekend at the Beta Xi chapter in Santa Barbara. They worked alongside their pledges, received education, and were quizzed on Fraternity information.17

Ira "Dad" Schab, a Pearl Harbor survivor in the Winter 1952 class, was Don Johnson'due south little blood brother and recalls the early days of our colony:

The DSP Affiliate in San Luis Obispo got started with help from UCSB'southward Delta Sig firm – Beta Xi. All of the original founders of the colony were WWII vets. The Veterans Administration sent out a letter proverb vets had to commencement taking our GI Bill education benefits by July '51 or loose them. We went to schoolhouse! Virtually anybody in the Motorcycle Club (Poly Penguins) were founding fathers of the colony. Some of the members of the Roadster Lodge also helped grade outset classes. Don Johnson, "Mother", was a vet, a member of Poly Penguins, and had an former Flathead Harley. Campus had footling student housing. All the guys lived at Military camp San Luis Obispo, in old billet, until moving into 676 Monterey. This was in total operation when I pledged. We were a bunch of rogues and had a lot of fun, simply it was very of import to united states to get good grades and keep our reputation spotless on campus and in boondocks. We were very proud of our colony status and wore our pins proudly on our shirts!18

THE 1950'South – The Decade Of Perseverance & Vision

Our Brothers of the 1950'south established our colony's traditions of leadership, involvement, and scholarship on campus, unique congenial functions, and philanthropic service to our community. They overcame a cascade of obstacles beyond years and established savings and building funds for futurity generations of Delta Sigs whom they would never know. In curt, they invented the future.

676 Monterey Street

Our colony's offset house was at 676 Monterey Street.nineteen Scrapbook notes suggest we moved in January 1951.twenty The Telegram Tribune reported the house was leased "by an organization of Poly students operating independently of the college", that guild president Don Johnson said it was a cooperative venture to salve money and provide full living accommodations, and that more than $1,000 in materials was required to improve the kitchen and baths.21

In a daytime burn on September 29, 1953, the house burned down. No lives were taken just many members lost all their possessions. Our colony, the only Fraternity at Poly to survive the difficulties of the Korean War years,22 was now farther tested by this additional challenge. The college permitted the colony to apply the athletic field house on campus as an emergency dormitory.23

1953 Fire

That same school year the colony leased and moved into 1134 Palm Street24 where it remained for 17 years. This Palm house photo is circa 1954.

The Palm Street house had a maximum capacity of 21.25 We had an annex, officially called the "Annex", a cake abroad on the corner of Toro and Manufactory Streets.26 The Addendum held xiv, so we had a maximum live-in capacity of 35. Both 1134 Palm and the Annex were dry houses – no booze.27 Another Blood brother, the House Manager two years running, recalls:

Palm Street Chapter House

"The average of alive-ins was 19. We usually set up up with 8 downstairs and xi upstairs. At that place were 4 bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs there was also a living room, dining room, kitchen, a multi-purpose room where nosotros kept the player pianoforte and gear up study tables, and a large bathroom for the exclusive use of guests and off-limits to members. One of the near closely guarded secrets of the Palm house is that it had a basement."28

The original paper, "The Spirit of 676", took its name from the accost of the Monterey Street house, also know as the "Judge's" house.29

Hap E. Dog

Although Poly's Educatee Kinesthesia Committee told our National Fraternity representatives in 1950 that "students were free to organize any kind of groups they wished,"30 the college'due south President, Julian McPhee, in subsequent years took a different view. The College's President from 1933 to his passing in 1967, he refused to grant whatsoever national social fraternity official recognition as an on-campus guild.31 Without this recognition our organisation had to remain a colony.

One of the favorite songs of the 1950's, sung to the tune of God Bless America, included the verses:

God bless of Julian, Julian McPhee, Stands abreast us, and guides us, with a light that is damn hard to run into. From the swine befouled to the dairy, From admissions to the P, God anoint our Julian, Julian McPhee." 32

Spring 1958 Carnation

In the 1950's the men of our colony started many traditions, including that of holding Christmas parties for underprivileged children, as is shown on the dorsum cover of this Leap 1958 edition of CARNATION. They planted trees in Santa Rosa Park,33 were extremely active in the Student Diplomacy Committee, and held club leadership positions. They replaced the "Block P" on the hillside, fabricated of white-washed barn doors, with a 35x50 foot concrete Poly P, completing it on May 3, 1957.34 The community loved us but President McPhee did not.35 From time to fourth dimension, representatives from the National Fraternity, and the National Inter-Fraternity Conference, met with college officials to resolve non-recognition only "went away shaking their heads."36

Here's a young pledge'southward view of the house in the mid '50's:

"As a pledge in September 1956, I was in awe of the active membership. Compared to my loftier schoolhouse buddies who had gone to Cal, UCLA, Oregon, etc., and pledged fraternities where the agile membership was fabricated up of guys in their teens and early twenties, I found myself surrounded past onetime men. I would guess that the boilerplate age was somewhere in the mid to tardily twenties. Many of the actives were married and a proficient number were veterans of Korea attending schoolhouse on the One thousand.I. Beak. As nigh of these older members realized, this was their last chance to become an education, so there wasn't much "party time" during the week and "quiet fourth dimension" during written report hours was strictly enforced. Only on the weekend watch out!"37

A Fall 1958 Brother remembers: "Korean War vets saw the large picture show, supported saving for later, for the time to come. They wanted a dry house for repose, and a home, and studying. Every once in a while someone would come in at 2:xv a.m., enhance hell, and wake anybody up. That was OK on a Saturday night only not allowed during the calendar week."38

THE 1960's – The Decade Of Growth And Recognition

In spite of the lack of official recognition by campus, the colony continued to take leading roles in campus affairs, clubs, events, projects, and provided more than than its share of campus leaders.39 Many years the colony had 100 members, more than nearly Delta Sig chapters.

In 1961 the colony was the sole, and winning, bidder on the 1923 American Le France #49 fire engine from Baywood Park fire department. The bid was $100. It needed a lot of work, and for a fourth dimension, it sat. It came with helmets!

1923 American Le France #49 fire engine

Although the firm had an official Addendum, "there were other locations that were used by Brothers during this fourth dimension period. "The Riviera" was a rental at Avila Embankment. Sewers I and II were dumps located in downwardly town SLO."xl

On May 31, 1961, Delta Sigma Phi, Inc., purchased41 a lot with a firm and a bungalow at 344 California Boulevard. Later on the address was changed to 244. The purchase price was $25,000, the colony gave $8,000 down, and the seller carried a $17,000 note. From the beginning, it was called "new prop" and was never referred to as an annex, and it was wet. In the later 'threescore'southward "the house in forepart with 3 bedrooms was by and large rented by upperclassmen, while the one bedchamber bungalow was normally reserved for a married couple. We used to have smashing TGIF parties at the new prop (in the late '60's) with live bands, vii or eight kegs of beer, and the friendly presence of the local PD."42

With an increment in the pressure on the college by exterior organizations to recognize Delta Sigma Phi, including the National Inter-Fraternity Quango,43 "college officials took a firmer stance against acceptance of whatever national social fraternity."44 Citing a college policy that "restricts coeds from visiting men'south residences unless accompanied by a college canonical chaperone,"45 the Telegram Tribune reported "2 coeds take been suspended by the college and four more are facing possible suspension because they attended a fraternity barbeque, at the fraternity business firm, college officials said today."46 The fraternity was Delta Sigma Phi, 1134 Palm Street, off campus. The BBQ was held from four to six:30 p.m., was alcohol free, attended by many married members and their wives, and featured ping pong and volleyball.47 The Interfraternity Council and the Student Diplomacy Quango objected to the suspension. Delta Sigma Phi objected, saying, "the school'due south action was taken as part of the higher's fight against fraternities."48

A Wintertime '61 Brother recalls: "For a time we wore our pins nether our collars (and) not at the pocket. Some of the girls we dated were always worried they would be kicked out of school if they went to a DSP party and got caught."49

The second one-half of the 1960'southward was influenced past the Vietnam State of war. Major David Royce Kingsbury was in the colony'southward class of S'54.

"Major Kingsbury was the Assistant Professor of Military Scientific discipline, Regular army ROTC, (at the University) from the early on '60s until about 1966. He returned to Vietnam, where he was killed in action. He was a Delta Sig brother and as well counselor to the Army ROTC drill team. Sure was fun when nosotros were off on drill team outings with Captain Kingsbury driving the Ground forces bus and singing Delta Sig songs. He was a swell guy I'll always respect. If in my lifetime I ever get the opportunity to visit the Wall in DC, I volition go to his name and pay my respects."50

Delta Sigma Phi Colony

In May of 1967 the "Delta Sigma Phi Colony" at California State Polytechnic College formally petitioned National to get a affiliate.51 Information technology was signed by colony President Ken Francis and Secretarial assistant Richard Burton. This document is attached and is worthy of reading. It presents, to that point in fourth dimension, the history and current state of the Academy, the colony, and the fraternity system.

At this fourth dimension there were 9,583 students at the Academy: 2,750 women, 6,833 men, and social fraternities had 280 members with 81 pledges. There were iii other national fraternities (Blastoff Epsilon Pi, Delta Chi, and Phi Kappa Psi), four local fraternities (Alpha Sigma, Blastoff Tau Omicron, Alpha Upsilon, and Kappa Chi), and one local sorority (Delta Chi Omega).

The college responded on Apr 29, 1968, to the colony's petition to National. Dean of Students Everett One thousand. Chandler wrote:52

"Members of the local colony of the Delta Sigma Phi take inquired whether or not the college would object to the colony acquiring Chapter status within the fraternity. As y'all may know, the higher does not recognize social fraternities at the present time. Consequently the higher would non accept whatsoever objections to the change of condition from colony to chapter. Even though the higher has not recognized social fraternities, the relationship betwixt the students in the Delta Sigma Phi Colony and the college as (sic) been amiable.


Everett M. Chandler

Dean of Students"

And so a gentlemen's agreement was reached between the National Fraternity and the University. The Chapter in San Luis Obispo would be chartered without officially beingness recognized on campus.

Then that long-awaited day was scheduled when the oldest colony in the Fraternity'due south history, the first fraternity at the University, an organization that had initiated over 500 Brothers53 across two decades of challenges, was to be installed every bit the Delta Sigma Phi Chapter in San Luis Obispo! Consistent with our history, it had to be delayed. The date on the charter is January 25th but a flood of Biblical proportions stranded National Quango members in Ventura while on their way to the colony. The installation and celebration were finally held Apr 26, 1969, in San Luis Obispo.

Summer 1969 edition of the Carnation

The Summer 1969 edition of the CARNATION notes:

"The result was historic by a feast attended by more than 200 members, pledges, dates, alumni, parents, and national officers. Earlier, the new chapter had been formally installed by a squad composed of National President Russell T. Roebuck, Executive Managing director Francis Wacker, Past President and District Governor Pro-tem William South. Noblitt, and past President Chandler Harris. Don Johnson, one of the group'southward founders and long-fourth dimension counselor, reminded the chapter that its strength had always been and must keep to exist in a respected group of young men. President Roebuck told the members they were the campaign managers for the fraternity of the future. You are not a group concerned solely with budgets, social programs, maintaining a fraternity business firm, and making a good scholastic record – every bit important equally these may be. You are the selectors of men who must live and work together; you are the balancers of personalities as diverse as the winds. President Roebuck also cited Bill Noblitt as the man who had made Delta Sigma Phi possible in every corner of this state. Noblitt was responsible for or instrumental in seeding 11 of the state'south xv chapters and colonies."54

THE 1970'due south - The Decade Of Transition

Our third decade at the University was to again exam our faith in, support for, and loyalty toward our DSP program.

The ACB meeting held the day after we received our charter, in Apr 1969, with National officers present, discussed our futurity plans. The principle question discussed, and not resolved, was how the chapter would observe the coin to build a new house.55 Yet, as subsequent chapter President Greg "Chucker" Van Houten, Due west' 70, points out, the conclusion to leave Palm Street was not still final - nor easy to make:

"That was a controversial proposal at the fourth dimension: the vote to build a new house was non unanimous, with a large part of the membership wanting to stay at Palm, despite the dramatically increasing rents. Nonetheless, the younger members felt that the post-war founders and subsequent brothers of the Chapter in San Luis Obispo had given the states a gift, in the ownership of the new holding, and that we had to fulfill its promise. Those were interesting days! The blueprint of the California house came virtually primarily due to the elongated and deep lot. We all wanted to make the business firm larger, with aspirations to accept 100 actives live in, only we had to settle on less. Nosotros were governed by a tiptop restriction, maximum coverage/density on the lot itself, and the need for some on-site parking. We had dozens of conversations at actives' meetings well-nigh what features and attributes were needed (at the new business firm), with specific idea to meals, meetings and ceremonies. (The Goggle box room dimensions were to be copied from the Palm house, etc.)."56

An alumni architect, Steve "Muther" Hubbard, F'64, generously donated his professional person services and drew up the plans for 244 California.57 Lending institutions were reluctant to loan coin to fraternities and, equally a result, the house was designed as a commercial apartment building to provide additional assurances should the chapter neglect.58 The chapter had increased disinterestedness in the 244 California property to use as a down payment but this was not plenty.

At present there is some disagreement over details surrounding if our lender, Peachy Western Savings, required additional alumni to co-sign, or guarantee, the structure loan. Information technology is thought that John Kerr, S'58, Carl Cowan, W'56, and three others acted as guarantors. We wish to verify and preserve our history – if you have any administrative information on this subject please contact us.

As graduation 1971 approached the Brotherhood prepared to motion out of their home of 17 years. "The house started taking downwards everything that people felt was of historical value in anticipation of the move to California. I think kickoff exercises that yr were on a Thursday, June 10, 1971. The solar day after graduation, I went by the house and it was already a pile of woods – bull dozed."59 Brothers, knowing the firm was to be razed and an flat building put up in its place, held one last party – a sabotage political party!

244 California Chapter House

At the beginning of the 1971-72 school year the fraternity moved into temporary quarters at Mustang Village. It was difficult to retain the sense of fraternity without a house. The affiliate President at the time recalls, "We had our weekly fraternity meetings in the Ag. Building, on campus, complete with President'due south Chair and other accoutrements! At Palm we had 110 members. We dropped to low numbers of pledges during the transition. It was a difficult time to go along spirits up."60 The fraternity moved into the "New House" at 244 California in April 1972. "The initial reaction past Brothers was that it lacked the traditional charm of Palm although it didn't take long for them to make the house their own. The initiation ritual and feel was very grand at the erstwhile Palm house, and much less so at the new one. The musky scent of the old, vast, wet basement could not be replicated!"61 The University'due south proper name also changed in 1972 from California Land Polytechnic College to California Polytechnic State Academy.62

The original business firm did non take the attached shed. This was built by active members later on moving in.

Current Chapter House

The problems of transition did not end with moving-in.


"By 1973-74 the chapter was in trouble. It had to pay for a 1st and 2d mortgage with profoundly reduced membership. This was due to transition, a huge graduating class in June 1973, and inadequate rush practices. We had a beloved new business firm, and dog (Ralph), just few pledges, little money, and a very concerned Chapter Supervisor in John "Si'monday" Kerr, S'58 (whom we respected and appreciated). The vote to intermission with tradition and allow special-occasion alcohol on property eventually led to our needing a new Chapter Supervisor in 1974-75. In an extraordinary mensurate to survive, the affiliate required every not-deadwood active member to movement in. Some broke leases to do so. A firm designed for 35 adjusted to live-in 42 to run across the financial emergency. From this defended core of loftier-bond Brothers, group synergy excelled and we worked our way back to reasonable stability."63

In 1976 the affiliate purchased and installed a large redwood hot tub and decking that became very popular.

Brothers on the way to practice Pumpkin carve for area kids Part of trophy case

Brothers on the manner to practice, pumpkin carve for expanse kids and part of a bays case

THE 1980'south – The Decade Of A Changing Fraternity Environs

In our quaternary decade, we continued our tradition of involvement on campus and in the customs. As required by National in the mid-'fourscore'south, the Chapter in San Luis Obispo altered its pledge program to conform to new Fraternity guidelines. While the Academy experienced growth in student population, many new large national fraternities created increased competition.

Ralph and Barney

This unusual class initiation photograph is from Spring 1981. The two house dogs were "Ralph", our start St. Bernard, a Fiddling Sister's gift in 1973, and "Barney", our 2d St. Bernard. Ralph's SAT scores were higher.64 The following photograph is of Barney.

The chapter continued its involvement and success in IFC sports, winning Greek Week in 1981,65 1984,66 and the All Sports Trophy three years running, from 1985-87.67

Poly P

In 1981 an environmental pattern major circulated a petition on campus to remove the Poly "P" because it abused the environment.68 In response a Delta Sig Brother69 led DSP in seeking permission to repair and paint the "P". This was done in Leap 1981. The "P" is ane of the oldest hillside initials in the West70 and a tradition at the University since 1919.71

In response a representative of the Robert Due east. Kennedy Library on campus thanked the fraternity and concluded his letter with, "Once more, may I express my pleasure that your fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi, takes an interest in the University not simply as an educational institution, but besides as a place where traditions are recognized as being important."72

A picture of Delta Sigma Phi in 1981 can exist drawn from a Blood brother's letter to a campus official:

"We have consistently been active in community diplomacy ….. some examples include yearly fundraisers for March of Dimes, Halloween pumpkin carves and Popular Garner (Christmas) for San Luis Obispo orphans, Mustang Stadium management and security, and La Fiesta parade coordination and security. Our campus activities include selling A.S.I. Disbelieve Cards, Poly Royal BBQ in Poly Grove, (and) members in student authorities, University Matrimony Board of Governors, Calendar week-Of-Welcome counselors (of which we have about 25), and many of our brothers are in responsible positions in other student organizations."73

Early in the 1980'south the chapter's three-and-a-half decade tradition of ane pledge course per academic quarter was modified. In identify of three classes per school yr the fraternity decided upon two longer classes per school yr. Wintertime pledge classes were concluded and the remaining Autumn and Spring class members were given more time to residuum pledgeship with higher requirements. The chapter took an increased interest in pledge scholarship.

The Chapter in San Luis Obispo modified its pledge program to adapt to recommendations made by National, to all chapters, as a consequence of developing issues. As a 1984 initiate and time to come ACB President recalls:

"The biggest change in pledging was trying to change some of our program to make it more than PC (I think for the most part this was a good thing). Nosotros took pride that it took some work to go far our house. Rush went to a dry out rush. I call up information technology was a combination of National and local rules. I call back it took DSP a while to adapt to the dry rush and injure our membership for awhile. All the big national fraternities started coming to campus during the mid to late '80'south. The ones that stand out are Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Kappa, and Beta Theta Pi. I remember the biggest challenge was dry rush and competition from the big national fraternities."74

The 1980's saw the render of the Sailor's Brawl.

THE 1990's – Decade Of Alumni Absence

At the Univerity, the traditional render of alumni to their alma mater, and of Delta Sigs to their chapter's twice-a-year ACB meeting, used to be in Fall at Homecoming and in Spring at Poly Majestic. Afterward the 1960's, by far the greatest return of alumni, and Delta Sigs, occurred in Apr at Poly Royal, the equivalent of a 3-day, academy-broad, open house. In Apr, 1990, during Poly Regal, riots attributed to outsiders occurred in SLO. The Univerity'due south President Baker banned this office until its disgrace was no longer a part of pupil memory. An unforeseen casuality of this determination was the return of Delta Sig alumni to the Chapter in San Luis Obispo. For ix years, between April 1990 and April 1999, except for 4-6 ACB officers, Delta Sig alumni did not render to the Univeristy nor their affiliate. Broad alumni oversight of the chapter, guidance to ACB, and multi-decade perspective was absent. Every bit a result the chapter program suffered.

A Brother writes of the get-go of this decade.

"Nosotros were a relatively small business firm. I call back Beta and SAE having double or fifty-fifty triple the active membership. The brotherhood was incredibly potent however. I lived in the business firm from '90-'92. I think less then twenty lived in. In that location was e'er space available in the suites and some guys had their own rooms. The (major challenge and then was) deterioration of the house and the acrimonious human relationship between the actives and alumni. There had been no significant investment in any repairs for quite some time. Brothers started not wanting to hang out at the house, live-in numbers were depression even though hire was way below market rate for the area. We congenital the sand volleyball courtroom in '90-'91 and had some great beach volleyball theme rush parties. Pledge numbers were low - information technology was hard to sell the house to potential new brothers. Alumni idea the actives weren't treating the house with respect, actives felt the alumni had abandoned them."75

The number of initiates per year is only one of several measures of chapter wellness. While it doesn't measure qualitative aspects it does signal to trends. According to National records,76 from 1975 to 1990 the Chapter in San Luis Obispo initiated 334 men, an average of about 21 per yr. The side by side five years, 1991-95, the yearly boilerplate was 15. The following four year period, 1996-1999, the average dropped once more to less than 11 men per year. The concluding 2 years of this period, 1998 and 1999, the average was seven initiates.

A Leap '93 initiate remembers, "I lived-in '93 and '94. There was ever good camaraderie, peculiarly effectually big events like Rush, Sailor'south Brawl, and Al Capone. Everybody came together and worked hard to prepare."77

A Fall 1996 Brother relates, "I think there were only near 20 (live-ins) virtually of those years. We were a smallish house, maybe twoscore actives, and nosotros always seemed to have debt issues. We had (a business firm canis familiaris named) Butch until Spring 1997."78

Among other issues, the affiliate had been experiencing greater competition in the '90's. "There were 17 fraternities, (and so) Theta Chi came back to campus in 1999, and that made information technology 18."79

During an impromptu visit to the chapter in October at Homecoming, 1997, an alumni and his wife observed "Many parts of the house, including the invitee bathroom, were in disrepair. The Goggle box room was used to shop article of furniture and bedrooms had refrigerators, microwaves, TV's, ane bed, and padlocks on their doors. The shed was prepare every bit a beer bar; and no one introduced themselves to united states or asked who we were."80

The telephone call went out to alumni that ACB needed their support and the chapter needed their attention. Every bit a result, and in combination with the engineering science of a l year celebration of being at the Academy, 118 alumni were drawn back in Apr, 1999. This began the process of re-introducing a multi-decade perspective.

One of their starting time findings was that the men of the '90'southward had responsibly introduced a new tradition. On a rotating basis, actives and pledges were required to be on-phone call and available at the affiliate business firm to provide a ride home for any Delta Sig or pledge that called. As ane '90'southward decade Brother recalls, "it was a damn fine thought, unless you were the driver!"

Had there not been equally many quality undergraduate Brothers across the 1990's with high loyalty to DSP, and diligent but lone ACB officers, increased competition and nine years of alumni absence could take price u.s.a. the program.

(Brothers of the 1990's and 2000's, scrapbooks / photo albums after 1993 could not be institute at the affiliate house. Please help us locate or re-create them by contributing photos of your era. We will include the best in this Affiliate History section and the balance in the Photo Gallery.)

THE 2000'S - The Decade Of Renovations

Subsequent to the mass return of alumni in Apr 1999, and mostly prior to the re-establishment of the Alumni Association across 2000-2001, concerned alums took independent action to strengthen their chapter. In slap-up numbers they fabricated it a point to regularly visit the chapter, listen to the actives, and answer questions of what it had been like to be a Delta Sig in their era.

Based upon a proposal by an activist alumni representing a group of 1970's Brothers, ACB authorized re-establishment of the Alumni Association in late 2000. The Alumni Clan "vision statement" presented at the October 2000 ACB meeting began:

"Nosotros, the older Alumni, could not maybe enlarge our interest in the success of this Chapter and its men - now and in future generations, and in the quality of their Delta Sig experience and bond. The best machinery to integrate Alumni, for their own benefit, and to bring resources to the Affiliate, is through an Alumni Association."81

The Alumni Association was populated with officers in 2001. The combined attention of the ACB, the Alumni Association, alumni at large, and undergraduate Brothers produced results. The average number of initiates in 1998 and 1999 had been 7 per twelvemonth. After alumni re-involvement, and primarily due to the hard work of our undergraduates, an boilerplate of 22 men per year were initiated in 2000 and 2001. This trend has continued, at 21 per year, equally of 2008.

Just as the undergraduates of the 1970'due south met the challenges of transitioning the fraternity between ii chapter houses, so the undergraduates in the new century met the challenge of transitioning the chapter between two programs.

The story of the new century is well told by by Affiliate President David "Trips" Crowell, S'01:

The fraternity saw some significant changes from 2001 to 2005. When I was initiated, we had a small business firm of nether 30 brothers, and at that place was a great endeavour to increase our numbers. Controversially, we accepted more than pledges than we probably should take. Between two pledge classes (2001-2002) we had almost 45 new brothers. We had good numbers, nearing 80 at one point, … and were more competitive…..and the future looked vivid. Many didn't empathize the values of a Delta Sig and many were just looking for a place to party. Our fraternity had a major identity crisis. A number of cliques resulted. Unity and cooperation became an issue.

(Equally a event of) the biggest political party in the affiliate'due south history, in May, 2004, we were put on probation past the University and our national lath. Nosotros had to confront the harsh reality of existence completely dry until 2005 with new alcohol rules imposed on us, quiet hours, and social events at a bare minimum and far from the house.

During that time involvement in fraternity events and the pledge program waned. Many actives did non like this (dry out business firm probation) and in turn stopped coming effectually. Many actives wanted to condone the punishment and continue business as usual. There was a lot of hardship and heartache. I didn't want to be the President that lost the charter. I give credit to others in the house at the fourth dimension that … helped enforce the rules. The ones that stuck around grew stronger and closer. They molded the new pledge classes into like-minded brothers and in the finish the fraternity sifted out the actives that had joined Delta Sigma Phi for all the wrong reasons and retained the brothers that had values true to a Delta Sig. DSP was better in January 2005 than it was in May 2004, even if it was a bit smaller in size. The side by side president ushered in this new fraternity and continued to make it better. Past 2006 and 2007, DSP was once more the prominent fraternity on campus and was still growing in size and respectability. Had this gone the other way and the chapter … (not accepted) the probation it (the firm) may take been lost.

ACB and the actives decided to renovate. The house renovation of the six suites and bathrooms, chapter room, and kitchen, that took place from 2002-2004, turned around the attitude that people had towards the firm. With the newness of the house came more than stringent rules and regulations that were upheld (past officers). The renovation carried a contagious energy ….. and nosotros all held each other responsible for cleaning up after ourselves. In the end there was a fresh house that was filled with pride, and it once more became a identify people wanted to exist.

1 CARNATION, Delta Sigma Phi, Summer edition 1969.
2 Letter to Julian McPhee, Dec 1948.
iii Ken Kenyon, Special Collections Archive, Robert Kennedy Library, "Cal Poly: The First Hundred Years."
four Tom Wible, Delta Sigma Phi, Director of Affiliate Services.
5 Tom Wible, Director of Chapter Services, Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity, seven/16/08 email.
vi Letter 11/8/1949, V. H. Mescham, Univeristy Dean of Student Welfare, to Francis Wacker.
7 Letter of the alphabet, 11/10/1949, A. Dean VanZant to Francis Wacker.
8 Letter, 12/17/49, Francis Wacker to V. H. Mescham, University Dean of Student Welfare.
ix Tom Wible, Directory of Chapter Services, electronic mail, 7/x/08.
ten Colony Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National," Pages 10 and xi.
11 National award winner of Mr. Delta Sig Award and the Harvey H. Hebert Award, per Tom Wible, National.
12 At the time, the Executive Secretary of National.
xiii National Field Representative for Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity.
14 Colony Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National," Pages ten and xi.
15 Interview with F'52 initiate, Ira "Dad" Schab, File "DSP Web Site Phone Interviews."
16 Summer Carnation 1969.
17Interview with Paul Armstrong, File "DSP Web Site Phone Interviews."
18Interview With Ira "Dad" Schab.
19Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National," Pages ten and 11.
20Based on DSP scrapbook newspaper clippings and notes to photos.
21Telegram Tribune Article, Date uncertain, establish in scrapbook.
22Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Awarding to National," Pages ten and eleven.
23Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Awarding to National," Pages 10 and 11.
24The exact date of moving into 1134 Palm is non known at this time.
25Per iii.2%, Jim Evans, S'58, in document "DSP Spider web Site Recollections."
26Michael "Reggin" Goldsworthy, Due west'61, in certificate "DSP Spider web Site Recollections."
27Michael "Reggin" Goldsworthy, W'61, in document "DSP Web Site Recollections."
28Tom "Atomic number 26 Toe" Light-green, W'57, in document "DSP Spider web Site Recollections."
29Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National," Pages ten and 11.
thirtyPetition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National."
31Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National,"
32Tom "Iron Toe" Green, W'57, in document "DSP Web Site Recollections."
33Tom "Iron Toe" Green, W'57, in document "DSP Web Site Recollections."
34Ken Kenyon, Special Collections Archive, Robert Kennedy Library, "Cal Poly: The First Hundred Years."
35Tom "Iron Toe" Green, W'57, in certificate "DSP Web Site Recollections."
36Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National,"
37Tom "Iron Toe" Green, in document
38Dave Loomis, F'58 phone interview, June 28, 2008, "DSP Web Site Telephone Interviews."
39CARNATION 1969 Summertime Edition.
40Jim Evans, 3.2%, S'58, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
41"1961 Deed of Trust.jpg" and "1961 Deed of Trust (2).jpg", 5/31/1961, Book 1129, Page 46.
42Ross "Dizzy" Stevenson, S'68, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
43Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Awarding to National."
44Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National."
45Telegram Tribune Article, appointment uncertain, found in scrapbook.
46Telegram Tribune Article, date uncertain, establish in scrapbook.
47Telegram Tribune Commodity, date uncertain, establish in scrapbook.
48Telegram Tribune Article, date uncertain, constitute in scrapbook.
49Michael "Reggin" Goldsworthy, in certificate "DSP Web Site Recollections."
fiftyLee "Squint" McVey, Due south'65, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
51Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Lease Awarding to National."
52Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Lease Application to National."
53Petition to National For Charter, File "1967 Charter Application to National."
54CARNATION 1969 Summer Edition.
55CARNATION 1969 Summer Edition.
56Greg "Chucker" VanHouten, W'70, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
57Steve "Muther" Hubbard, F'64, "DSP Spider web Site Phone Interviews."
58Carl Cowen, W'56, June 2008, "DSP Web Site Telephone Interviews."
59Gene "Spanky" Blazick, Due west'68, "DSP Spider web Site Recollections."
60Greg "Chucker" VanHouten, Due west'seventy, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
61Greg "Chucker" VanHouten, W'70, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
62Ken Kenyon, Special Collections Annal, Robert Kennedy Library, "Cal Poly: The Offset Hundred Years."
63Chris "Yabut" Patterson, W'73, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
64Yabut, I knew them both.
66Jeff "Doodle" Clark, F'84, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
67Jeff "Putter" Clark, F'84, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
681981 Mustang Daily commodity, "Pro-"P" Faction Dresses Up Hillside Initial".
69Mark Kelly, "Casey", Southward'fourscore, "DSP Spider web Site Recollections."
70Ken Kenyon, Special Collections Archive, Robert Kennedy Library, "Cal Poly: The First Hundred Years."
71Ken Kenyon, Special Collections Annal, Robert Kennedy Library, "Cal Poly: The Get-go Hundred Years."
72Alphabetic character, Fred Genthner to Scott Kelly, 1981.
73Letter, Mark Kelly to Mr. Genthner, Robert E. Kennedy Library, forwarded to Dr. Kennedy Barclay, Managing director Activities Planning Heart, presumed 1981-82.
74Jeff "Putter" Clark, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
75Jeff "Audie" Anderson, S'90, July 11, 2008, "DSP Web Site Phone Interviews."
76Excel file, received 7/10/08, renamed "DSP Web Site Initiates By Year From National.xls".
77Doug Meyer, S'93, Protrude, "DSP Web Site Recollections".
78John "Bogart" Quinn, F'96, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
79Xavier Lamier, "Spade", South'99, "DSP Web Site Recollections."
80Chris "Yabut" Patterson, W'73, "DSP Spider web Site Recollections."
81"DSP Spider web Site 2000 10 21 Open Letter To ACB", presented at Homecoming 2000 ACB coming together by Chris "Yabut" Patterson.


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